Category: Tree Removal

The Dangers of Tree Removal

Tree work is dangerous in general, but tree removal can be especially hazardous. Tree removal requires extensive knowledge about biology, tree physics, cutting techniques and dangerous tools. Homeowners who try to remove a tree by themselves could be hurt by falling branches, malfunctioning equipment or even the tree itself.

There are several common risks associated with tree removal:

  • Power lines. It is dangerous to work near power lines. If you, your tool, or your tree hit a powerline, it could knock out power in your area. You will most likely be electrocuted. One myth homeowners might believe about powerlines is that their black coating is insulation. This is false. This is false. The black layer on power lines acts as weather-proofing for the cable. The weather-proofing can still cause electrocution.
  • Improper equipment. OSHA requires tree-removal professionals to wear protective gear, from head to foot. Tree care professionals have been trained to use equipment such as cranes, ropes and cranes to safely remove and dispose of trees. To safely and successfully remove a tree, homeowners would require all the equipment and the necessary expertise. They are putting themselves at unnecessary risk without it.
  • Decomposing wood. Dead or dying trees are often unstable because they decay from the inside. Professionals sometimes use cranes for removing such deadwood. You should contact a professional if you suspect that your tree is beginning to fall apart. Professional help is required when removing trees that are already decayed. There are important tree biology processes you need to understand.
  • Gravity. You have no control over the direction of the tree’s fall once it starts. Even if you make sure to put indents or ropes, it may not fall as you expected. A poor judgment could lead to the tree falling on power lines or homes.

Ultimately, homeowners shouldn’t attempt to remove trees themselves. It’s not worth the risk and can cause more problems than it solves.

Which is the best/cheapest time of year to remove trees?

best time of year for tree removal2

Winter is the best time to remove trees. Why? Tree work can be slow so tree services must bid lower to get work.

It doesn’t work as well in states such as Nevada, Arizona, or Florida. However, it is possible to get a drop-in service if you live indoors during winter.

Why Is it cheaper to cut trees in the winter?

You can get a discount of 20% to 30% on your tree removal costs during winter.

The price of tree removal is determined by supply and demand, just as any commodity or service on the market. Tree removal companies might offer lower prices in winter because not many people require tree services.

Here is a snapshot showing Google Trends search volume over five years for the term “tree Removal”. You can see how seasons affect the demand.

tree removal summer winter

What is the best price for tree removal?

The cost of removing trees depends on many factors, including the time of year, their health and accessibility.

For small trees, you may have to pay $225. However, larger trees can cost up to $4500. A tree removal costs on average $871.

Before quoting a price, an arborist will visit your property and inspect the situation. Tree companies do not charge hourly, so there is no set price. Each tree company is different and may have its own business model.

To determine the final price, the company will consider overheads, equipment used, and manpower. Price will also be affected by the amount of work required and how long it takes to remove the tree.

Below is a close look at the average price you might be charged for different trees.

Sml 10ft
Med 20ft
Lrg 45ft
XL 75ft +

Removal of small trees: A removal cost may be $200-$500. A small tree can be between 5 and 15 feet tall with a trunk diameter less than 6 inches.

Task Low High Average
Small Trees (10 ft.) $200 $500 $350
Medium Trees (25 ft) $500 $900 $645
Large Trees (45 feet) $900 $2,500 $1,525
Extra Large Trees (65 feet) $2,500 $4,500 $3,750

What is the average cost of an arborist?

Different rates are charged by arborists for different tasks. While some jobs may be less expensive than others, others might be more costly. Depending on the job, you can expect charges between $375 to $1,500.

A single trimming of a palm tree, for example, can run $75. However, a large tree like a Norfolk Island Pine can cost you around $5,000 if you need to trim it.

Below is a breakdown of the charges for arborists, based on their service.

Tree trimming costs

For trimming a tree, an arborist may charge anywhere from $50 to $2,500. Tree trimming costs vary depending on how many branches you need to be removed and their size. You can see that trimming a few branches from a palm tree will cost less than trimming many branches from a radiate pine.

The price of time is money. Therefore, the more branches you have and the longer they take to be removed, the higher your charges.

Tree removal fees

For large or complex projects, tree removal costs can run from $200 to $5,000. The size, location, and accessibility of the tree will determine how much you have to pay. You will be charged more for removing trees that are larger and more difficult to reach.

The average tree removal cost is $1,147 this year, but it can vary depending upon many factors such as height, girth, and access to property.

Cost of Arborist reports

Arborist reports can be used as official documents and are not the same thing as general tree inspections. If you wish to remove a tree, an arborist report may be required by your local council.

To file development applications by construction companies, reports must also be filed.

An arborist report is a detailed document that runs 6-12 pages. It contains information about the tree’s health, safety and useful life expectancy, and other pertinent information.

A report by a qualified consulting tree-arborist can run from $300 to $450.

Signs That You Need Emergency Tree Removal

emergency tree removal























If your tree is leaning or dead, you may need emergency service. If you see pieces of it falling on your car, building, or other structures, you should call a tree removal company immediately. These situations can result in severe accidents. Additionally, it’s a good idea to call a tree service if you see cracked branches or a weakened tree. Read on to learn more about the signs that you need emergency tree removal service.

Signs of a sick or dead tree

When it comes to emergency tree removal, signs of a sick or dying tree are usually pretty obvious. Trees that shed sticks constantly are definitely not healthy. Healthy trees have flexible twigs and branches that do not break off. Any signs of disease or decay should prompt you to call a professional arborist. Read on to learn more about the signs of a sick or dying tree. Listed below are some of the most common signs of a dying tree.

Peeling bark, cavities, rotten wood, and bald spots on trees are all indications of a sick or dying tree. However, diagnosing whether a tree is actually dead or sick can be challenging. You need to know the symptoms so that you can get the right treatment and minimize any damage. The following signs can alert you to the need for emergency tree removal. However, you should not delay in seeking help, as early detection of a tree’s health is the best way to avoid a dangerous situation.

Signs that you should call a tree removal company

Trees are beautiful and provide many benefits. Healthy trees produce fresh oxygen and clean the air. But sometimes, they need to be removed due to disease or storm damage. In such cases, calling a tree removal service will provide a safe solution without causing any damage to the surrounding structures. The services of a professional arborist can provide you with the best solutions for the situation. Listed below are some signs that you should call a tree removal company.

Changing structure: One of the biggest signs that you should call a tree removal company is if the tree is leaning. If you notice the trunk is bending or sagging, the tree may be dying or ailing. Leaning trees are hazardous and should be removed immediately. They can fall on people, powerlines, and even buildings. There are also many other dangers that come with a dying tree that should be removed.

Ways to avoid panicking in an emergency situation

If you’re faced with a falling tree, stay calm and think clearly. If a neighbor asks you to get under the tree, don’t do it. While well-intentioned, they’re not professional tree removal contractors, and they may try to give you advice. Don’t be tempted to step too close to a leaning tree. Your safety is your first priority and focusing on a solution now will help you avoid panicking and unnecessary danger.

If your tree is near a power line, call your utility provider immediately. They will shut off power and repair the power line. Arborists will come and safely remove the tree. If there are other people on your property, stay calm and contact a professional emergency tree removal company right away. In an emergency situation, you should never try to get the job done yourself. Your well-meaning neighbors might get too panicked, so stay calm.

Four Situations that Call for Immediate Tree Removal

There are situations when urgent tree removal is required. In most cases removal of the tree isn’t apparent until something happens, such as the tree falling over or splitting in two. For such situations it is crucial to get rid of the tree as soon as you can to avoid further destruction (like falling limbs on your vehicle) or injuries (like the possibility of someone being injured from debris.)

Below are four instances that require the removal of the tree as soon as possible:

1. Sick Tree

Pests, fungi and viruses can infiltrate the tree, and gradually destroy it from within. A sick tree might appear to be a harmless nuisance, but a tree that is infected with a disease could be dangerous as well. Trees that are sick need to be removed promptly.

Are you unsure whether your tree is infected? Here are some indicators to be aware of:

  • White mildew that is powdery
  • Peeling bark
  • Seeping fluid
  • Brown, yellow and wilted leaves
  • Gall (lumpy growths)
  • Holes in the bark

2. Broken Branches

In the majority of cases, damaged branches are removed swiftly and without harming trees by using skilled pruning. However, there are instances where broken branches can be an indication that that the plant is either dying, or dying. If a tree is losing more than half of its branches, it will not last through the following season of growth.

3. Storm Hit

If a major storm is approaching and your tree is in need of removal, it could become an extremely dangerous situation in a short time. Removal of the tree that is hazardous prior to the storm could prevent issues, but it’s often the storm that causes the destruction. Storms, hurricanes, rainstorms and windstorms may rip the canopy of a tree and rip it down it. Floods and rainstorms can cause a loosening of the sediment , causing trees to fall. Lightning and wind can break the tree into two pieces or harm it beyond repair. Snow and ice may create so much stress on the branches of a tree that the branches fall off or the tree splits.

4. Leaning Tree

Some trees grow slowly at an angle with time and this isn’t a cause to be concerned. If the tree suddenly starts tilting or sagging, or showing cracks, or turning an obvious angle, it could be a sign that it is about to be falling.

My Tree Fell on Neighbor’s Garage – Who Pays?

My Tree Fell on Neighbors Garage Who Pays

If your tree fell on a neighbor’s garage, who pays for repairs? The insurance company for your home and car, or your neighbor’s property insurer. Or do you have to pay for the repairs yourself? Let’s look at the issue in more detail. Here are some examples. Is your neighbor’s insurance company responsible for the repair costs? And who pays if you caused the damage yourself?

Car insurance

If a tree falls on your garage, is your car covered? No, it’s not, but you can contact your insurance agent and request comprehensive coverage. Your insurance should pay for the repairs or replace the vehicle, but you may have to pay your own deductible. Fortunately, most auto insurance policies include a rental car option, so you can keep using the car as you search for reimbursement.

The insurer of the neighbor’s home may also pay for the damages to your car. If the tree is in a neighbor’s yard, a dated letter from the neighbor can be used to prove negligence. Make sure to maintain trees on your property, or your neighbor’s insurer may not cover the repairs. If you’re concerned about their lack of care, consider purchasing homeowner’s insurance.

Homeowner’s insurance

There are two common scenarios in which homeowners are responsible for damage caused by a neighbor’s tree falling on their own property. The trees could be dead or diseased, or they could be neglected, and either way, they can cause damage. If you had homeowner’s insurance when a tree falls on your neighbor’s garage, your policy would cover the cost of repairs and the deductible.

Your neighbor’s tree may have been diseased and hollowed out for years. The neighbor ignored it, and you’ve been worried that it could topple over. Your neighbor’s insurance provider will try to collect on the policy. If you’re successful, you’ll receive your deductible back. If the neighbor didn’t pay for their own insurance, you can still file a claim.

Neighbor’s property insurer

If your tree fell on your neighbor’s garage, you must contact your insurance company. In many cases, the insurance company will cover the damage if the tree was diseased or had been neglected. However, if the tree fell on its own, the homeowner may be responsible for the damage. If the neighbor is responsible for the damage, you must file a liability claim against your homeowner’s insurance.

Your homeowner’s insurance may pay for tree removal costs. If the tree was a covered peril, your insurer may pay to remove the tree. This is the best option, since your neighbor may have no other way to pay for the damage. If you have to pay for the tree removal, your insurance may cover the costs. However, if the tree fell on your neighbor’s garage, you may not have coverage for the removal.


You may be wondering if you have to pay a neighbor if a tree falls on their garage. Although it’s not always your fault, you might have to pay the deductible if you’re the one responsible for the damage. Luckily, homeowners insurance policies cover damage caused by falling trees. If the neighbor is negligent about upkeep, their insurance policy may cover the costs of replacing the garage or paying for tree removal.

If your neighbor has auto insurance, you’ll be covered if their tree hits their garage. Your neighbor’s insurance company will likely pay for repairs, but you’ll have to pay your deductible. In some cases, the neighbor may offer to pay your deductible. Remember, if the tree is on your neighbor’s property, it’s not Force Majeure. So, you’ll be required to pay for the repairs.

Neighbor’s negligence

The question of who pays for damage to your neighbor’s garage may be on your mind after a tree falls on your property. The owner of the tree may be held responsible for the damage, if it is dead or dying. In such a situation, your homeowner’s insurance carrier is required to investigate the claim and defend you if you are sued. Your policy may only cover the cost of repairs if your neighbor had a property insurance policy.

Who should pay? If your neighbor failed to cut down the tree, you may want to make a claim against them. Although this will be a difficult legal case to win, you can try to prove that they were negligent by presenting documents and statements from neighbors. Often, having the neighbors confirm or document their requests will help strengthen your case. However, it should be noted that this method should only be used as the last option. Depending on your coverage, your homeowners insurance will likely cover the tree removal and damage.


If your neighbor’s tree falls on your garage, you might be entitled to recover a portion of your deductible from their insurance company. However, if the tree was not in good health, or was not properly maintained, your neighbor’s insurance company may try to collect on its own deductible. If your neighbor has an umbrella policy, you can also request that it reimburse your deductible if your neighbor has no homeowners insurance.

If you’ve had a neighbor’s tree fall on your garage, you may be eligible to collect on your deductible by claiming subrogation. Subrogation is a legal process that enables an insurer to collect on an insured neighbor’s insurance claim if the neighbor had a similar policy with the same insurance company. If you can prove that the neighbor’s tree was unhealthy and improperly maintained, you’ll likely get the full amount of your deductible back from your insurer.

Emergency Tree Removal – When to Call a Professional

emergency tree remova

If you’ve recently discovered a dying tree in your yard, you’ll likely be wondering what to do and how to find emergency tree removal. Regardless of whether you’re facing a fire, a falling tree, or a rotting stump, preparing for an emergency tree removal is crucial. Not only can a dead tree lower the value of your property, it can also cause injury to you or your family.

Situations that require emergency tree removal

A tree can provide many benefits for your property, including shade, privacy, and aesthetic appeal. However, sometimes trees can also become dangerous and should be removed immediately. In addition to threatening the safety of property owners, dying and dead trees can also pose a threat to people and cars. Here are some situations that require emergency tree removal. Listed below are some reasons that you should contact a professional tree service for emergency tree removal.

Safety issues: Tree emergencies can occur for a variety of reasons. While the majority are due to a lack of safety, there are situations when they may have a different cause. These situations often arise because of a deadline for a home sale or rental. For instance, a tree can become weak and dangerous if a limb falls on a power line. While electricity is still carried by downed power lines, a fallen tree can compromise the structural integrity of a home.

If a tree is dead or dying, it may have fallen on a house, car, or other structure. It’s best to contact a professional tree removal service to assess the situation and help you decide on the best course of action. It’s crucial that you do not make the situation worse by attempting to handle it yourself. Luckily, Coastal Tree Care can help! These ISA-certified arborists are available for emergency tree removal.

Preparation is key to avoiding an emergency

Trees on your property can cause significant damage, so it is important to have routine tree maintenance performed on them. Regular pruning and inspections should be done on trees near homes. Also, be sure to check trees for signs of trouble, like overhanging roofs. When you do landscape work, it can compact the soil under the tree. In some cases, a tree may be too big to remove by yourself.

Tree emergencies are common, but preparing for them is vital. The most common emergency is storm damage. Even healthy trees can be prone to storm damage. Soggy ground can pull up roots and cause the tree to tip. Powerful wind can also split and crack branches, which can become tremendous hazards for people. Before you call a professional tree service, make sure to assess your trees’ condition after a storm.

Cost of emergency tree removal

The most common reason for emergency tree removal is when a large tree has collapsed on your home or property, causing extensive damage and possibly even a hazard. Even though all living things will eventually die, tree damage can be especially dangerous. Trees can succumb to disease, pests, or even simply old age, causing them to lose strength and fall on people or property. Regardless of the reason for emergency tree removal, it’s crucial to call a professional as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

The cost of emergency tree removal varies greatly depending on the type of service needed and the time of year. The best way to determine the cost of emergency tree removal is to speak to a local tree service. There are a variety of factors to consider when estimating your cost, including the type of work you need performed, whether it’s a residential or commercial property, and the size of the tree. The best way to determine the cost is to speak to local tree experts and compare estimates from several contractors.

Large trees can be difficult to remove and are usually very expensive. For example, removing a large red oak tree can cost up to $1,300. Depending on the conditions, this type of tree may require more careful removal, which may increase the cost. But, if you have an emergency tree that’s under 30 feet, the cost can be as low as $400. This type of tree may only need to be removed for a few hours or a single day.

When Can You Cut Down a Tree?

When can you cut down trees

When can you cut down a tree? When is the best time to cut down a tree? How can you save money when cutting down a tree? How can you avoid legal issues and obtain a permit? Read this article to learn more! This article will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision when cutting down a tree. Here are some tips. Read on to discover the best time of year to cut down a tree!

Time of year to cut down trees

When is the right time of year to cut down trees? When cutting down a tree is a necessary part of winter and early spring. Trees in these seasons will remain more stable due to the freezing ground. However, there are several other reasons to cut down trees during these seasons. Below are the reasons to cut down a tree at different times of year. The most beneficial times of year to cut down trees include:

The warm season lasts only for a few months, so the ideal time to cut down a tree is during winter or summer. However, it may require additional work to clear the tree of leaves. In Ottawa, the warm season lasts just long enough to make tree removal easier. Here are a few benefits of winter tree removal. There are also lower costs. For example, trees can be removed for less during the winter than in the summer, making them the perfect choice for homeowners who don’t have a large lawn.

Cost-effective time of year

There are many different factors that determine when the most cost-effective time of year to cut down trees is. Obviously, a tree’s health and growth cycle will affect when it is the most cost-effective to cut down. Without actually seeing a tree in question, it is not possible to accurately predict when it will be the most cost-effective to remove it. However, you might have heard that it’s cheaper to remove trees in the winter or early spring, which is why the prices are often more affordable at that time of year.

For the cheapest time of year to cut down trees, the optimum period is late fall through early winter or November through March. These months are when trees are dormant, which means they’re not actively growing. This allows you to observe their structure and minimize the stress on the tree. However, if you plan to sell your property soon, the best time to cut down trees is during late winter or early spring.

Legality of cutting down trees

The first thing to know before you start cutting down trees is whether you need a permit. Many cities and towns require permits to cut down trees, even if they are on private property. However, even if you don’t have a permit, it’s still a good idea to check local ordinances to ensure that you’re following the law. While the legality of cutting down trees depends on the circumstances of your project, there are some common exceptions.

In general, it’s safe to cut down a tree if it is at least 10 years old and has no visible damage. However, if the tree is damaged or poses a security risk, it’s not a good idea. It’s even better if the tree isn’t over 10 years old. This is because the law is clear about when it’s safe to cut down a tree, and when it’s not.

Need for a permit to cut down trees

Cutting down trees without a permit can land you in hot water and incur heavy fines. In most cities, there is a permit hotline you can call to find out about restrictions on cutting trees on private property. Often, a neighbor will contact you to report that you’re chopping down trees without a permit. The type of land you live on, the habitat it provides, and the grade of the land determine the need for a permit.

To get a permit for cutting down trees, you must submit an application at least five business days before you start your project. When applying for a permit, you’ll need to provide the city office with your address, which you can find by calling 311 in your city. Once you’ve submitted the application, you’ll need to wait for the permits to be issued. However, if you’re not planning to cut down a tree on your property, you can use the permit for other purposes.

5 advantages of Tree Removing

It is the time of year that homeowners choose to cut back the dead trees, cut them back and take away dying foliage. Dead limbs, particularly could pose a significant risk to your home and your family members over the coming months, since the danger of falling branches rises when temperatures drop and winter storms are approaching. Removal of trees However, it can be a good idea at any time during the season.

  • Dead Limbs and Trees Dead trees or lifeless branches could threaten the roofs of power lines, cars, and other people. Tree experts can inspect your property and pinpoint trees that need to be cut or braced, or even removed completely.
  • Damaged foundations, Driveway, Or Sidewalk: A tree’s root zone could be huge. As it grows, it can impact concrete structures that are on your property, causing irreparable damages.
  • The Better View Overgrown or ugly trees branches can block your family’s view of the home’s natural surroundings.
  • Better Curb Appeal: A drab tree or shade that is too large can affect the curb appeal of your home. Pruning or removing trees with care will greatly improve the appearance and worth.
  • Clean Space The removal of trees in order to build a garden, a pool or another addition could dramatically improve your quality of life , while also improving the value of your house.

How To Remove a Large Tree?

If you’re looking to remove the ugly, huge tree that’s surrounded your property, the first plan is to call someone to pay the tree removal service to remove all the fallen leaves. But, this could be a huge expense There’s a cheaper, alternative that is more personal making it your own.

The task of cutting down trees that are large on your property may seem like impossible initially But using the proper tools, you are able to complete the task yourself.

In this article we’ll show you how to do to take down a huge tree by using elevated access. If you have a smaller tree that you wish to cut down, read the Small Tree Removal guide here.

Getting started

To remove a massive plant from your yard, you’ll require an array of tools. The tools you’ll require to make use of for large-scale removals comprise:

  • The fruit picker that can reach the highest branches.
  • An smaller chainsaw for making more precise cuts on smaller branches.
  • An pole pruning tool to reach branches further away.
  • A massive chainsaw that can cut through the more dense parts of the tree trunk.
  • An wooden chipper for mulch.
  • The Splitter for logs to make larger pieces of wood easy to move and work with.

Step 1 Be Safe!

You’ll need to prepare your work area so that there is no obstruction of fallen branches or falling debris. The area should be cordoned off with rope or cones. inform your family members that they aren’t allowed to come up to you while any of the machines are running and make sure they aren’t standing in the area where branches might fall.

Additionally, you should use the proper safety equipment. Start by wearing a full-length t-shirt with pants and a jacket when you’re high with the picker. Safety glasses for eyes is essential as well as earplugs to aid in preventing permanent hearing damage. Hard hats along with gloves and a dust mask must be worn all the time when machines are operating.

2. Destroying branches

The first step to remove the tree is using the cherry picker to climb up the trunk and cut off the entire tree with a chainsaw. Place the cherry picker underneath the tree, so that you can climb safely while reaching out to cut off branches. Make sure the cherry picking device is set on solid ground and the ground is as level as you can.

The cherry picker allows you the opportunity to cut off branches at the top of the tree prior to taking down the tree. Once inside the cage, you can attach the harness to the frame to ensure you’re secure prior to elevating yourself. Utilize your control panels to guide yourself to a position beneath the branches, so that you can cut cleanly and then let them fall down to earth. The cherry picker moves at a slow pace, so there is no chance of you spinning around uncontrollably. As you progress up the tree using your cherry picker you are able to take branches off using the tiny chainsaw.
Make use of the chainsaw’s small size to cut branches that which are easily accessible from the bucket for cherry picking. Check the chainsaw on the ground prior to strapping yourself to the cage, and check that it’s operating properly.

Make sure you cut straight across the branches that are at the top of the tree , so that they fall straight into the secure cordoned space below. After you’ve cut what you can with the tiny chainsaw, return to the ground level, and switch the pole trimmer. This gives you more reach on the highest point of the tree so you’ll be able to remove the lower branches. Less branches mean lower impact to the ground should the tree is lowered.

Both the large and small chainsaws are able to be used at height , and then back to the ground, too. Be sure to be sure to cut your own body to ensure that you don’t pull the chainsaw towards you as you cut by cutting through wood. If you’re cutting at a low angle ensure that the chain isn’t touching the ground as it can cause damage to the tool.

For branches that are difficult to reach For branches that are difficult to reach, use the pole pruner to cut them down. Check the pole’s pruner prior to returning it up with the cherry picking machine. The same way you did with the chainsaw, trim the branches until they are straight down.

3. Moving the trunk down

After you’ve taken the branches off then you can cut the trunk until the entire tree is lowered. If you don’t have enough space on your property to allow it to be able to drop all at all at once, break it down into smaller parts using the big chainsaw. Begin at the top and take out the top first, and then proceed to lower until the entire tree is down. To cut the tree, create a wedge in the tree’s trunk. Trees will drop into that direction once you create an additional hinge cut directly in front of it.

Once the entire trunk is cut, break it into shorter straight pieces using the chainsaw large enough that the wood is cut into pieces. To get the most efficient cut, cut through 80% of the timber, then turn it around and then end the last 20% from the other side.

step 4: Applying an Log Splitter

After you’ve removed the tree, you might discover that you have lots of extra branches you’ll need to eliminate. It is possible to use a chipper to transform branches into mulch to use in your garden.

The log splitter can help make the bulkier sections of the tree simpler to handle by breaking the logs in half. It’s an extremely powerful machine that is best operated by someone who is knowledgeable about how to operate it. The tree will be able to provide instructions on how to use this.

The chunks of trunk that are square in the splitter with the lifting mechanism. Place the logs directly beneath the blades of hydraulic and watch them break apart effortlessly. Make use of the splitter to slice each piece of wood into half, and then again in half to ensure that the desired size.

How to Write a Tree Removal Request Letter

Although trees are typically appreciated because of their beauty as well as shade, and their contribution for fresh air and shade, there can be occasions that a tree might need to be taken down. Trees may interfere with power lines, and have dead branches, and even trunks that could pose danger to people who live nearby, and can block the view of the stunning panorama from one’s balcony.

Whatever the reason behind trees being removed It isn’t normally legal to remove an individual’s tree without authorization. This permission can be granted by the owner of the tree, or from the town, city or the county which is the owner of the tree. The writing of a request for removal can be the very first thing you do in the removal of a tree.

If a tree poses a risk to children playing within the vicinity due to the fact that it is in contact with an electrical line, it should be removed immediately. The tree which is secure in the early days of winter could become dangerous in the event of the onset of an ice-storm or strong winds. Anyone who wishes to have removal of the tree should first contact the local office in question and inform them where the tree that is dangerous is situated and what the risk appears to be.

After announcing by phone
After contacting the police the person can then write an application for removal of the tree, stating all the information and details. The city will receive officials a hard copy of the documents regarding the risks caused by the tree. The sender must keep an original duplicate of this letter.

If the city does not take action within 7 days, the citizen should contact the city’s office and again remind them that the tree is a risk. The resident should determine whether there is a form that must be filled out to request tree removal of the town. If it is the letter could be included with the form.

Dangerous Tree

If the person who owns the tree in danger is an individual or a person, the person asking for its removal should notify the owner in advance via telephone in the event that he or had not noticed the danger. The owner may then decide to have it removed with the city. If someone would like the tree to be removed for any other reasons other than a potential threat, he or she should send the owner a tree removal request letter detailing the reasons they wish to have the tree removed.

Common reasons include:

  • The leaves litter the yard of neighbors
  • The roots are damaging the driveway of a neighbor.
  • The tree obscures the gorgeous view.
  • The tree is not tall enough in accordance with local regulations.
  • The tree has sap dripping onto the car of the neighbor.
  • The tree is ugly, dead and rotting.

The person must ensure that they spell the name of their neighbor in the correct way. If they are aware of the kind or species of tree must be noted. The exact location of the tree should be clearly identified. The person should provide a brief explanation of the reasons why they want the tree to be removed.

If there isn’t a good reason to get rid of the tree, then the owner will just ignore the request. It is courteous to say that the owner is willing to discuss the issue in person and also mention that they will pay for any costs required to take down the tree.